Digital X-ray Services


Digital X-ray Services

Access precise diagnostic insights with our advanced digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.


Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Cheat PA/AP/LAT (Posteroanterior/Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the chest and abdomen. Utilizing state-of-the-art digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images from different angles to visualize specific anatomical structures. With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Cheat PA/AP/LAT imaging procedures.

Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Cheat PA/AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Abdomen Supine/Erect

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Abdomen Supine/Erect imaging services to assess abdominal structures in both supine and erect positions. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our experienced technicians capture high-resolution images to examine the abdomen in different postures, providing comprehensive diagnostic insights.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Abdomen Supine/Erect imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Abdomen Supine/Erect imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.


Raaya Diagnostic Center provides KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder) imaging services for comprehensive evaluation of the abdominal region. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images to assess the kidneys, ureters, and bladder, aiding in the diagnosis of various urinary tract conditions.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all KUB imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your KUB imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.


Raaya Diagnostic Center offers PBH (Pelvis, Both Hips) imaging services for comprehensive evaluation of the pelvic region and both hips. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images to assess pelvic bone structures, hip joints, and surrounding soft tissues, aiding in the diagnosis of various orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all PBH imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your PBH imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Cervical Spine AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Cervical Spine AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the cervical spine. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images from different angles to visualize specific anatomical structures and detect any abnormalities or injuries. With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Cervical Spine AP/LAT imaging procedures.

Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Cervical Spine AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Thoracic Spine AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized Thoracic Spine AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive evaluation of the thoracic spine. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images from different angles to visualize specific anatomical structures and detect any abnormalities or injuries.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Thoracic Spine AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Thoracic Spine AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Lumbar Spine AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Lumbar Spine AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for a comprehensive assessment of the lumbar spine. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images from different angles to visualize specific anatomical structures and detect any abnormalities or injuries.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Lumbar Spine AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Lumbar Spine AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.


Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized PNS (Paranasal Sinuses) imaging services for a thorough assessment of the nasal and sinus cavities. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images to visualize specific anatomical structures and detect any abnormalities or conditions affecting the nasal passages and sinuses.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all PNS imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your PNS imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Lateral Neck for Adenoid

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Lateral Neck imaging services for assessing adenoid conditions. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture high-resolution images to visualize the lateral aspect of the neck, specifically targeting the adenoid region for evaluation.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Lateral Neck for Adenoid imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Lateral Neck for Adenoid imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Shoulder Joint AP/Abduction

Raaya Diagnostic Center specializes in Shoulder Joint AP/Abduction imaging services, offering comprehensive assessments of the shoulder joint in both the anteroposterior (AP) and abduction positions. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our experienced technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and functionality of the shoulder joint, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various shoulder conditions.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Shoulder Joint AP/Abduction imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Shoulder Joint AP/Abduction imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Clavicle AP

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Clavicle AP (Anteroposterior) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the clavicle. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the clavicle, aiding in the diagnosis of fractures, dislocations, and other clavicle-related conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a comfortable environment for all Clavicle AP imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Clavicle AP imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Elbow Joint AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized Elbow Joint AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the elbow joint. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the elbow joint, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various elbow conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Elbow Joint AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Elbow Joint AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Wrist Joint AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Wrist Joint AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the wrist joint. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the wrist joint, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various wrist conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Wrist Joint AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Wrist Joint AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Hand AP/Oblique

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized Hand AP/Oblique imaging services for a comprehensive assessment of the hand. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the hand, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various hand conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Hand AP/Oblique imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Hand AP/Oblique imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Hip Joint AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers specialized Hip Joint AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the hip joint. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the hip joint, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various hip conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Hip Joint AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Hip Joint AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Knee Joint AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized Knee Joint AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the knee joint. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the knee joint, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various knee conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Knee Joint AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Knee Joint AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Ankle Joint AP/LAT

Raaya Diagnostic Center specializes in Ankle Joint AP/LAT (Anteroposterior/Lateral) imaging services for a thorough assessment of the ankle joint. Using advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the ankle joint, facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of various ankle conditions.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Ankle Joint AP/LAT imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Ankle Joint AP/LAT imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Foot AP/Oblique

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides specialized Foot AP/Oblique imaging services for comprehensive assessment of the foot. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the anatomy and integrity of the foot, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various foot conditions.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Foot AP/Oblique imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Foot AP/Oblique imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.


Raaya Diagnostic Center specializes in Calcaneum/Heel imaging services for a comprehensive assessment of the calcaneum and heel bone. Utilizing advanced digital X-ray technology, our skilled technicians capture detailed images to evaluate the structure and integrity of the calcaneum, aiding in the diagnosis and management of various foot conditions such as fractures, inflammation, and heel spurs.

With a focus on accuracy and patient comfort, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all Calcaneum/Heel imaging procedures. Our compassionate team prioritizes patient well-being, guiding individuals through the process with professionalism and expertise. Contact us to schedule your Calcaneum/Heel imaging appointment or to learn more about our digital X-ray services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers Hysterosalpingography (HSG) services, a specialized X-ray procedure used to evaluate the shape and condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes. During the HSG procedure, a contrast dye is injected into the uterus through a catheter, and X-ray images are taken to visualize the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all HSG procedures. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals guides individuals through the process with compassion and expertise, prioritizing patient comfort and well-being. Contact us to schedule your HSG appointment or to learn more about our diagnostic imaging services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)

Raaya Diagnostic Center provides Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP) services, a specialized imaging procedure used to visualize the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. During an IVP, a contrast dye is injected into the bloodstream through a vein, and X-ray images are taken as the dye moves through the urinary tract, allowing for the evaluation of the structure and function of the urinary system.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all IVP procedures. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals guides individuals through the process with compassion and expertise, prioritizing patient comfort and well-being. Contact us to schedule your IVP appointment or to learn more about our diagnostic imaging services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.

Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCU)

Raaya Diagnostic Center offers Micturating Cystourethrogram (MCU) services, a specialized X-ray procedure used to evaluate the anatomy and function of the bladder and urethra. During an MCU, a contrast dye is inserted into the bladder through a catheter, and X-ray images are taken as the bladder fills and empties, allowing for the assessment of bladder and urethral function.

With a commitment to accuracy and patient care, Raaya Diagnostic Center ensures a supportive environment for all MCU procedures. Our experienced team of healthcare professionals guides individuals through the process with compassion and expertise, prioritizing patient comfort and well-being. Contact us to schedule your MCU appointment or to learn more about our diagnostic imaging services at Raaya Diagnostic Center.